It's interesting. Climate change deniers are, for the most part, conspiracy theorists. The conspiracy being that ''leftwing greenies'' (for reasons that elude logic) are inventing a scare campaign, that human factors are responsible for climate change (or indeed, in some forums of ignorance, that the climate is changing at all for any reason), and some elements of international commerce are invigorating this view with the help of bogus media representation (because they don't actually care). As with other conspiracy theorists, the more logically presented the facts and the science are that negate the theory, the more they cling to it. Happily, I suspect, most people in the world accept the science.... it's just "'what to do about it ?'' that seems to be the problem. It's hard for people to imagine changing their lifestyles and we need more help and choices to do this.. and this requires more brave and imaginative government in countries like ..................................... THIS ONE
